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They Don’t Know

No one knows her like I do,

I mean of course I should.

Yet you taunt her about her flaws.

But I mean I would.

They don’t know and they never will.

Her hair is short.

Her eyes are dark.

And her gap is big.

Everyday she tries’s to change that.

They don’t know and they never will.

She’s been bullied.

She calls herself names.

And she wishes everything would go away.

They don’t know and they never will.

Most see her has someone who can be somebody one day.

Words have been said to her so many times,

That all she tells herself is “Je vous Déteste”.

They don’t know and they never will.

All smiles.

All pride.

And sometimes smiles.

The deadliest thoughts always go through her mind.

But you don’t know that and you never will.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (15%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (75%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (5%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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