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They Don’t Understand

They Don’t Understand
By Brandon Redmond

They don’t understand the pressure I was under

To be put back into the role of being a father

See I thought I was somewhat done with raising


Then all of a sudden she came up and said

she’s keeping it.

But they don’t understand why I made the

choice I did.

Not to raise another child

Man I was trying to be mild and chill about


They don’t understand how I constructed in

my mind an evil demise for my newest child

Do I regret it? Maybe, this double life

sentence will keep it on my mind until the

end of my days

But again, they don’t understand that I

must live with what I did and also my

old ways.



This poem makes me...
  • Think (1%)
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  • Somber (92%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (5%)
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