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Things Change, Nothings Stays The Same.


Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

Things Change, Nothing Stays The Same.

by: Lorenzo Saucedo medellin


No kids play at night with there friends anymore

Not even familiar or friendly faces around

Only the men at the corner wearing  their flags and their most expensive  clothes & jewelry

that it shine when cars past by looking like if the sun had come back up.

There is the aroma of marijuana everywhere i go,

There are teenagers wearing the same colors as the ones who are selling them drugs.

There is many mothers crying for their sons, for help because they’ve haven’t heard nothing from them in days

They have hope to see them again and get them out of there by searching for a better way to live, a different place might do it

But what ever their children do, or were ever they moved out to nothing will change. Because once they have experience what they had NEVER done before, it will always have the temptation to make them go back to it and consume it once more.


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