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Thinking About Art

Thinking About Art

by Jasmin Batres

Now that I think about Art ,

those squiggly lines , circles , and triangles

that make no sense when you see

them at first . Those that

supposedly are saying something

but you cannot get your head

around it , actuality mean

whatever you mind is capable

of thinking in that moment ,

because your mind

maybe flooding like clouds

in a light wind day ;

like that white that is almost clear

that look like something

clouds , clouds that appear

and disappear like thoughts do when ever

you are about to be

knock out clouds , not

from a fist that hit

you so fast and hard

that look like a comet  ,

or asteroid that when

it hits the atmosphere

it cash it self on fire ,

and when it hits the ground

you don’t know where it go

until someone else tell you where they found it ,

yeah not that kind of knock out but the

one from sleep when you are so tired

You star to think of stupid things , and boom

you are sleep for few minutes in the room.

So I think that art is what you can make of it ,

even in these wonder off minds.

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