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Those Gray Bars

Those Gray Bars

by Victor Benson


A place and life behind gray bars.

Never knowing if they’re guilty or not.

Only twelve can tell and decide

if they’re going to be free or not.


Would you care

if people behind bars never knowing

if they’re going to get out

behind those gray bars?



I see people I walk by with all these tattoos

Telling stories how they got behind

Those gray bars.


Whenever I see those gray bars

I wonder who they hold behind them.

Someday they’re going to get out from behind

Those gray bars.


Those gray bars are hard steel.

Will people get out of those gray bars

that have been holding them in place?

Only twelve can tell and decide.

Would you care?

This poem makes me...
  • Think (29%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (7%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (29%)
  • Inspired (29%)
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