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Thy Kingdom

Thy Kingdom
by Yuepeng Thao

This place is my home and kingdom
chinky eyes of family and friends
and no sign of an end
a beautiful Hmong girl
wearing a shiny ring pearl.
In my vision
I have no confusion
except that this was my formula to my solution
to make my place home.
On a sunny day
there is the sugar sweet Stephanie
and she’ll always be company.
Staring into the mirror and
I glance at the short, talented boy.
In my place children are
having fun all around the playful community.
In my kingdom everywhere there is love,peace,justice and equality.

Noises form like cars being driven
and sounds of laughter from my buddy Michael Her
Hmong music far and near.
Boys tackling each other
in football with the wind howling in the perfect weather
girls representing the Hmong singing loudly
Keeping heads up proudly
never yelling annoyedly.
Sirens of ice cream trucks
and kids giving the ice cream man a buck.
Lakes crashing
and everyone splashing.
Nothing but the sound of peace in thy kingdom.

I devour pho and eggrolls
and large chocolate ice cream bowls.
Homemade spring rolls!
There’s jelly filled donuts, large bagged hot cheetos,
Funyuns and can I get a burrito!
I savor the spiciness of the papaya
sweetness of the nava
guava, tortilla
and let’s call in the quesadilla.
No vegetables that suck
and maybe we could eat a duck?
My kingdom has all these delicious food!

What’s that scent?
That must be my fart
that reeks like smashed up pop tarts!
Odors climbing from the trash
that also has a new money stash smell.
I sense unpolluted air molecules
pure perfume
too much cologne
and sweat from Sylvester Stallone!
Clean clothing
new flowers blooming
and I can breathe the popcorn burning.
In my place I sniff a
clean, safe and soothing environment.

I feel feelings I never had before
Is it good or bad?
It’s a feeling I have when I speak to her
her name gives me joyful thoughts
I get a sensation of fear in front of the madam
I can’t talk to her
I just need a moment alone
She’s always there keeping me safe

I get the best feeling ever
when I’m with Stephanie
insecurity overcomes
unstableness at times
but I make it through.
Is it love or not? She floods my heart.
I think I feel this is personal enough.
I sense the idea of talking to her in 5th hour
so be quiet or I’ll be embarrassed.
In thy kingdom, home and place
what I feel is what she feels because
we’re meant to be.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (25%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (13%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (38%)
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