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To That Man

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

To That Man

by Marvin Melgar

To the man

that fought his entire life

to the son whose

family isolated him

to that man who

tried and tried

and failed and failed, but in the end


to that man that broke his back

trying to raise a family of five, to

give them a future

to the father and worker that sweated blood

in order to give them everything in the world

and through his pain, his only

hope is in

a bottle

a bottle that slowly

consumes his life away

but yet, that man pulls through that wall

like a charging bull

with his objective, with his pride

on his eyes

meaning that all those days

looking for a job, losing his own brothers and sisters,

breaking his back,

his addiction and

his pain, is only

to make our life

the life I dearly care about

better, to make it

worth it.

To him, to that man, to that father, I say thank you

because he is the example in the family

that shows us and tells us that life is possible and worth all the pain and betrayals

life is beautiful

and for that I thank him.

This poem makes me...
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