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True Love

True Love

By: Daniella Mendoza


My favorite person is my boyfriend.

I like him because he looks nice and he’s too kind to people (which I like) and he’s tall, skinny, and never shy.

I also like him because he works a lot for me and takes very good care of his mom and family.

We always hang out and make each other laugh.

He treats me like a princess and he loves me sometimes, he wishes and hopes we get married.

I’m like him because I like taking good care of my family.

 I’m different from him because I’m shy and don’t talk much.

When we hang out, we go to watch movies, walk around the mall, and eat Chinese food or McDonald’s.

Love is hard to find and when you find it, you have to know how to keep it, that way your relationship will last long.

He is like a patch of sunshine breaking through a cloudy day.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (68%)
  • Somber (2%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (7%)
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