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By Addy Miller


This bittersweet world has taught me that trust is a hard thing to find

It will tease your emotions and play with your mind

Almost every person that you may meet

Will sometime or another leave you dead in the street


Trust is not something that just falls into place

But something that you and I can easily erase

It’s not about who’s fair or who’s kind

But only comes down to who didn’t leave you behind


Before you can let yourself fall in my arms

You have to raise the flags and sound the alarms

Why can’t you just fall steady and quiet?

But no, oh no you have to create such a riot


I’m not saying that you can’t trust a soul on Earth

I’m not saying that everyone is bad from birth

I’m just saying that you can’t give the wrong person your trust

For they will run and leave you in the dust


Though one day you will find one who will never lead you astray

Someone who you can stay with and talk to day after day

This special one you have to hold dear to your heart

And from your life may they never part

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