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Trying to fit in

Trying to fit in
by Bri Hernandez

You walk in.
You look right…then left.
You try to fit in.
You try to find “your people.”
You suddenly feel like you don’t belong.

As if you’re the rotten apple in the middle of sweet red apples.

You feel different…in a bad way.

The people surrounding you are the lions while you’re their prey
waiting to be swallowed by your low self esteem.

As if whenever you look in a glass or mirror your reflection screams at you
saying you don’t belong!

But you wanna know what?
Being different is good!
yeah, yeah, you’ve heard it before, but to be honest, it’s true.
You got that special spark in you.
That something that no one else has.
You shouldn’t feel bad about being yourself, you should be proud.
Proud to be to be who you are!
Proud to be yourself!
Stand up tall and filled with pride,
cause honestly theres nothing to hide.

You say you wanna fit in and stand out…
well the best way to stand out is by stop trying to fit in.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (6%)
  • Smile (11%)
  • Somber (3%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (30%)
  • Inspired (41%)
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