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Two Souls

Two Souls

By, Noah Perez


The day I entered,

I saw her walking toward me,


A pained look written on my face,

She would ask if I was ok,


I would smile and nod,

Then go on with my day.


I would see her walking,

A tired glare on her face,


I would ask if she was ok,

She would smile and walk along the way.


We would both have types of pain on our face,


One who felt hated,

One who felt tired.

We would both stop,

In each others way,


Raise both arms,

Then hug, like two halves becoming one.


As we did, we knew we would be there for each other,

Like were supposed to be, no matter what.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (56%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (11%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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