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Until I see you again

Until I see you again
by Destiny Medicine Crow
Standing Rock Reservation, SD

No matter what my heart will forever be yours and I will fight until the day I see you again.
I still have nightmares from when you were taken away from me by those monsters.
I see you in my dreams but every time I go to hug you …
You vanish in front of me… leaving me to wonder if I will ever find you again.
Every time I close my eyes I can still see the monsters taking you away from me.
It’s like I’m living that day over and over again.
I’m all alone now that I don’t have you by my side
I find myself in a world of destruction ever since those monsters first roamed the earth.
Ever since I let them take you I walk the world alone just waiting until I can see you standing in front of me trying to calm me down.
But until then I will fight off all the monsters just to find you.
You are my life… you are my friend… but most of all you are my sister.
Where ever you are I hope you are still alive and hopefully the monsters didn’t get to you.

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