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By: Casundra Thao

You are torn up
You are bleeding
Yes You are suffering
But it doesn’t mean
You’re alone

No matter how rich
how popular,
or how nice you are
I want you to know that
in life
you will always
have these kinds of problems

The best thing for you to remember is that
sooner or later you would overcome this

We as human beings aren’t perfect
We make mistakes
that were once made
or will be made
Like a famous singer
who keeps getting their lyrics
over and over

No one
will ever get that perfect
or peaceful life
where you have no drama
Like those movies
where everything
has a happy ending

Just remember
we’re together
as a family

You are torn up
You are bleeding
You are suffering
But, it doesn’t mean that
You’re alone

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (13%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (63%)
  • Inspired (13%)
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