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By: Chong Thao

I’m that kind of Hmong girl
My mouth’s shut
Not even a squeak
The kid sitting in the shadows
Always head down
Be yourself you know,

Be proud within yourself,
Never be afraid
Just like Eminem had said
“I’m not afraid to take the stage.”
But be the brain that speaks your mind,

Set your heart free,
And maybe you’ll understand why.
Be courageous
Even if you’re afraid
That you’re wrong

Well, who cares,
We all learn from our mistakes.
For we all must take a stand,
Up on our feet and join hands,
For our voices to be heard

I wanna see you be brave,
Unfearful to yourself.

Don’t be in the shadows of the devil,
But be the sunlight of the Earth.
Cause you shine bright like a diamond
And I know you can

This poem makes me...
  • Think (42%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (27%)
  • Inspired (23%)
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