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By Thaokang Vang


My mom,

The queens chess piece,

The very important piece.

Someone who cares about,

My sister, brother, and me.


She’s the center piece to my Hmong family.

She’s the supportive bar,

To our bridge.

Getting us to Participate in traditional events.


I always listen to her,

And do what i am told.

As an average Hmong mom,

She always said,

“Work hard in school,

Get good grades.”


Driven out her war torn home,

She made it here,

to the land of the free.

She faced the challenges,

Blocking her path.

Now I have to push my way,

To the top.

She’s a typical Hmong parent.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (10%)
  • Smile (10%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (73%)
  • Inspired (8%)
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