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Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.


by Joel Galeas

Her smile is so beautiful it glows like a red rose

Her face is like a model

Marilyn Monroe

Her attitudes cool hard cold like snow

Cant use her like a tool she is far from a h**

I see her walking out the door balling like a pro

Her looks aint everything she has a great heart

I call it heart of a lion because she never gives up , its very strong

She helps the community out every single day by

Donating time to help take care of the kids that roam the neighborhood like a stampede of zebras running away from a predator as if they were the prey

She’s not 40 , 30 , or 20

She’s 19

The big One – Nine

I dont understand how she has so much patience and time for those kids she barely even knows

If it were me i would of died a while ago of stress

I would have felt like the hour glass would have broken into ashes just before the first sand grain touched the bottom of the glass

but Victoria she was different

Her name says it all

Victoria meaning victory in spanish

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