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by Addy Miller


Cant you see what’s in her eyes

if you look closer you will see the screams and cries

trying to break free from a mouth with no voice

she has to stay hidden, she has no choice


Don’t you see the scars she wishes would fade

resembling all the mistakes in her life she has made

night after night crying herself to sleep

but somehow nobody ever hears a peep


Everything she does never seems right

and somehow or another she always loses the fight

struggling to get by day after day

wishing the stress and worries would just go away


Conquered by an incurable disease

they only said her problems were as small as a flee’s

never able to win

always treating her like she just committed a terrible sin


Only in her dreams would the ground swallow her alive

happening so quick she couldn’t count to five

never again having to face the life she once led

finally its over and now she is dead

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