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Walking in the Hood

Walking In The Hood

by Nashawn Longmire


I walked Down The Street

And It Smelt Like Dirty Feet

I tried To Withstand It, But It Looked Like Defeat

A Man Detained Me At The Door Looking

Like a Dirty Lion About To Roar.

I Heard Shots Like Bing Bang Boom

[And] Next Thing I Knew I Was On The Move

I Ran Past The Scared Man Like An Average Day

But I Stopped At Mc. Donald’s To Get A Juicy Fish Filet

I Tried To Stay At The Restaurant That Very Day, But The Food Was

Bad I Wanted Taco-Bell Like O-lay.

I Bent over In Layed In A Huge Stack of Hay. I Thought To Myself What A Fun-ney Day

Next Thing I Knew It Was Raining Fluffy Cats And Dogs, And I Think I Even Saw A Huge Giant Hog!

It Screamed And Squeeled, And Yes I Did Strangely Appeal. But I Think That Thing Could Beat Shaquille O’Neal!!!

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