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by Ariyah Davis

African American and Indian in our family,
We live all across the world.

We dance alike and sing alike,
Ghetto runs in our blood.

Hatred is only part,
Love is all the way through.

Someone always says, “Family is forever, but friends are sometimes.”
We don’t believe that because family leaves you, too.

We are one for all and all for one.
We fight together through whatever.

The men and boys are overprotective; they watch you like hawks protecting you from danger.
The women and girls are tomboys; we act like girls and fight like men.

We shine as one big diamond in the sky.
We ride together.
We die together.

No one knows us like we know us.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (7%)
  • Smile (14%)
  • Somber (2%)
  • Surprised (63%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (3%)
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