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What did you wake up to?

What did you wake up to

I woke up to the sweet savory smell of bacon in my grandmother’s all time famous big black frying pan that’s been in my family for generations

What did you wake up to?

I woke up to my four little sisters delightfully jumping on my bed until I awoke!

What did you wake up to?

I woke up in a sweet paradise! I lay in my California king sized bed with my creamy soft pillows surrounding me!

What did you wake up to?

I woke up to my mother and my father calmly sitting by my bedside and their baby soft lips meeting my forehead in early hours!

All of that is nice, but my morning had a little more spice and nothing nice!

Oh you ask, what did I wake up to?

I woke up to the sound or heart wrenching screams. My heart pumping, adrenaline rushing. Maybe I was dreaming but some how a nightmare soon became real life. I was now scared but I couldn’t figure out why

There was no light at the end of the tunnel


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