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What I See When I Look Out My Window

What I see when I look out my window

By: Nicole Garoutte

When I look outside of the large window in the cold damp laundry room

I see,

two Aussies in a large yard,

I see,

a long white fence that was built long ago,

I see,

mules in a large dry pasture chasing the noisy train as it chugs along the old rusty tracks,

I see,

a lake of yellow wild flowers and beautiful red mesas as huge puffy clouds hover above them.

When I look out of the large window in the cold damp laundry room

I see,

crows nesting in an old oak tree,

I see,

blue birds frolicking through the afternoon air,

I see,

rabbits hopping across the dry desert,

I see,

my old tom cat Timmy waiting for the sun to disappear.

When I look out of the large window in the cold damp laundry room

I see,

darkness, and the air…

fresh as can be,

I watch,

 the whole valley fall asleep,


crows find a place to nap,


 blue birds stop frolicking for the first time all day,


 rabbits hop into their holes,

and the

 coyote howls at the creamy full moon as he trudges through the yellow weeds.

When I look out of the large window in the cold damp laundry room

I see,

my wonderful dad coming home from a long hard day of work


a huge grin on his sun kissed face,

I see,

the lights of the train go by once more,

I hear the dogs and the crickets sing a good night lullaby,

as my mom tucks my brother and sisters in for bed,

I lay there in bed knowing I have a wonderful life.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (47%)
  • Somber (7%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (20%)
  • Inspired (7%)
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