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What I Wanted To Say

What I Wanted To Say

By: Jordan Richardson


I used to see him
We used to talk
He was a good person
But often made the wrong choices
We watched movies

We met in a room
A room of cigarettes
The room had a bed
The room had a medical chair

He sat in a wheel chair
His skin was soft
And wrinkly
He was skinny as a stick
He was tall

He lived a long life
He said a lot
We played together
We would sing

He went away
He left a note
I felt real b-b-b-bad

He was the best
We had a feast
In his honor
I miss our good times
But now you’re away

I never got to say
A proper goodbye
I m-m-m-miss you
It was fun

But now I have
To say goodbye

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (11%)
  • Somber (33%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (22%)
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