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When youŕe feeling upset because your body is broken
When your hands are ripped and make your muscles weak
When the beamś are so tall and you feel like you will fall
When you feel you cannot do it and want to stop it all
When the spring floor feel like concrete
When you feel so sore and cannot compete
And those bars, uggg, they seem so wide apart
And the vault flipping is now not in my heart
When you feel you’re in a foam pit and cannot escape
Itś time to collect the dividend
You know why you’re here right, what itś all about
You know girl there is not time for no self-doubt
SO GET UP, with your mind and body girl!
Keep goin cause you know your going to find it
You can…… with just a little more grit

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  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (56%)
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