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When I Saw You

When I Saw You

by Yexel Torres


When I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

When we talk for a while, I knew in that moment I was trapped.

It was like a bullet in my chest.

When you pulled the Trigger, that’s when I got attached.

You were in my mind the whole time.


Can I fade in your arms?

Can I get lost in your eyes?

Cause when I’m with you I just melt away

like when piece of chocolate outside on a sunny day…

I need you for you

cause you can wash my pain away,

And I will do the same I promise

I need you more and more each day.


You’re not just my lover

But also my best friend

Through good times and bad

We stayed by each other’s sides.

Holding on tightly to each other like rubber bands—

If one lets go, the other get hurts..

In each other we have found

Our happiness, our peace, and our home.

Without you I feel homesick.


Through the obstacles

And even the distance

We haven’t let it phase us

As we show the world that our love runs deeper than anything on the planet,

That our bond is too strong to break,

And throughout everything

We have found our forever in each other

I can never express enough how much you mean to me

There’s will never be enough stars in the sky

There never will be enough words in the dictionary

To ever come close to how much you mean to me.


You are the love that I had hoped for!

The dream I had chased

You are the wish I asked for on my 8th birthday

I thought my wish would never come true but then again I met you

You are the only desire of my dreams.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (6%)
  • Smile (44%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (31%)
  • Inspired (19%)
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