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When you need to get rid of your old life

I wake up every morning and got to thank god because Im afraid Im not going to live another 24 have to watch my back because I might get wack from the back. I’m glad today is over because I get to live another 24 hours and think about tomorrow because today was a good day. I go home walking with my sister and her friend and watch for cars because they might be on them bars. I walk up the stairs to my door and knock so I can sell them bars. I think for an hour and thank not all people are hard. Go out every other night got to watch because there might be a hot heat hit a lick and then go home sick.Got home with a stick becuase today i didnt even have to hit a lick.Next morning i might be sick beacuse im tired for felling this stress got to thank of my better days when there was no bad side of this.Im happen that my half my fam is by my side because no everyone has a fam.This is for everyone who might want to get rid of there bad side.

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