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Where Eduardo Is from

by Eduardo Casillas

Pioneer Charter School


Many people may think I’m from Mexico.

But I wasn’t born there.

My parents are from there but that don’t mean I’m from Mexico.

I was born in Denver, Colorado.

I’m proud to be from here because I can do many things

not like many other Mexican children.


If I were Mexican I would be proud too.

It doesn’t matter what race you are

you can be very smart.

You can go to college and find a good job or get a good career.

I’m going to grow up and find a good job.

I don’t care what other people might think of me

I’m going to do what’s good for me

do what I need to do for my self.


I’m going to do this not only for my self but for my family too.

I’m going to show them that I have learned from my mistakes and changed.

My family is from Mexico and I’m proud

because if not I wouldn’t have been here.


I’m going to show all the people that Mexicans aren’t bad as they think they are.

We Mexicans aren’t dumb

we are like every one else.

Being another race doesnt matter

What matters  is who you are and what you do.

And I’m proud of being in a Mexican family.

This poem makes me...
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