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Where I’m From!

By: Yaqueline Andrade
Pioneer Charter School

I am from the cold winter nights to the sunny summer days.
I am from a small town in Mexico.
I am from the tamales and atole.
I am from the suberbs of Colorado.
I am from a bipolar and crazy place.
I am from the roses of Colorado.
I am from a sunny to cloudy place.
I am from the traditions of my grandparents.
I am from the beautiful and fully grown sunflowers.
I am from a beliver to a Catholic.
I am from a try your best to a never give up.
I am from a beautiful small town.
I am from the streets of Mexicans.
I am from the dirt roads.
I am from a small town to a big town.
I am from a big family.
I am from Mexico to Colorado.
I am from Denver, Colorado.

This poem makes me...
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