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Where I’m From

I am From Secrets and Lies

From music to books

I am from a small broken home


From Oak Trees

To Maple

I am from Family Meals every year


Screaming tears everyday

I am From Woody Beach, Marti Propes

and Alex Barkley

I am from Promises and Forgiveness


From the I love you’s to the

You’re always gonna be perfect

I am from Heaven and Hell


From Woodland Park

home of the

Smart and the brave


From the Fight my grandfather fought

in World War II

To the fight my father

is fighting now


From the moments everyone talks,

learns a new to all

The secrets and lies we have all told


I  am from every

Hello and Goodbye

Ali Barkley

This poem makes me...
  • Think (42%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (8%)
  • Inspired (33%)
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