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Whispers of a Winter War

By: Jeffy Jefferson

The dusty winds and gun powder defogs from the battlefield

only to find a war-

a war that slowly deteriorates the Earth’s radiant core

yet surely…it isn’t a bore

the action of projectiles and firearms emitting booms and bangs

but beware the madness of war

The excitement of blood shed

the silence of the weary and dead

That is the war’s  cold curse

death and dispair of the fallen soldiers

fills the soul of a true demon

once your engulfed in the madness

you’ll become compelled and restless

and anxious for a cowardly scream

yet it’s sad that this isn’t a dream

Once war begins, peace is gone

you can’t be saved by the crack of dawn

your humanity fades

your humane nature fades

your memory fades

your instincts take over

your blood craving takes over

your dark and blood filled eyes take over

War will commence like an endless blizzard


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