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Who Am I?

Who am I?

By Elaine Saenz



Who am I?

I truly don’t know.

So far I’m an 8th grader

trying to go the right path way in life

to succeed.


Will I?

I don’t know,

yet I try,

hoping I do.


Who am I?

I’m the girl who is led by society,

and theories of things you have to do

in a certain order

to be stable

and have a good image.


Who am I?

A girl deciding

whether to have fun in life

and live it to the fullest,

or to sit tight

and focus on education

to be someone in life.


I truly don’t know.

There is so many thoughts,

feelings, theories, comments, etc. for me

to get through to truly find out.


All I know is that if you don’t make a good move in life,

other people will be the ones who will tell who you are.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (26%)
  • Smile (11%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (32%)
  • Inspired (32%)
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