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who cares

I was born in the U.S.

But who cares!

I feel Mexican and that’s what really matters

My mom cooking enchiladas

Every Sunday

I eat bean burritos with cheese and bit of Valentina

Every Christmas eating tamales rojoes pero no verdes

Does this mean I am Mexican?

I feel Mexican and that’s what matters.

I hear novelas inSpanish every night from my

Parents room

In a party

I hear Mexican music

When I go to restaurants, I could hear Spanish


Does this mean I am


I feel Mexican

And that’s what matters

In the air, tortillas in air fill me

 With joy

Carne asada passes the door, the hallway, to my room

The Mexican blood making a red carpet stenches Chihuahua

Does this mean I am Mexican?

I feel Mexican and that’s what matters

Cause you know what?

It’s true

My family from chuhuahua is Mexican

I feel very very extremely Mexican

Cause I am


-Ada Torres

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