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Why Did You Hide It?

Why Did You Hide It?

by Kole Sears


Why did you hide her?

My blood, my look alike, the only person that I haven’t seen in forever.

The only person that makes me overprotective of her.


Have you guessed who I’m talking about?

That’s right she is my sister, the person that I’m most attached to.

I’ve seen her three times my entire life.

My younger sister by six years.

Yes my dad gave up fighting, but does that give you the right to keep his daughter from him?

Dad and I talk about her all the time, I miss her.

Oh yeah, you are having another one, he’s a boy.

Give her back, she needs her brothers in her life.

Who is going to tell her about how boys are when she needs it?

Who’s going help her through a bad break up and show her boyfriend a lesson on treating her well?

You don’t even let dad see her.

How on earth is she going to learn to play sports?

Why did you hide her?

Who is going to teach her?

It should have been her brothers.

This poem makes me...
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