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BY: C.Kelly(Monkey Tails)

Am I a terrible person?

Is that WHY I seem to fail in life?

No money, friends, or education

That’s my biggest fear

WHY not family you may ask

Because they’re something I can’t get rid of

They are WHY I try to succeed but…

WHY mom WHY can’t I love who I love

“God created Adam and Eve”

Well WHY not Adam and Steve

WHY should I have the same beliefs? 

I believe and love my God, but under different circumstances

My love is not as strong

WHY not

I have trust issues

WHY shouldn’t I

Who’s to say when I die I will go to heaven

WHY not hell?

WHY am I me?

WHY should I love thy enemy?

WHY don’t they love me?

You know what

WHY care?

I’ll just keep rolling the dice until I hit

I’m not going to throw a fit

Yell, Kick, and scream

Imma just try to “live life” who cares about blowing off steam

Poetry is my greatest achievement

Poetry entices me

Maybe it’s just the Poet speaking within me




This poem makes me...
  • Think (18%)
  • Smile (64%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (9%)
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