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Windows – By Caleb Yang

You can see a person’s face, but not a person’s soul, and because of this our society has fallen in a hole

Some walk pass with eyes dark as coal, but inside is a being who feels whole, they’ll never understand because to

each man his own, the gifts of the present from the past they have sown, and reaps the fruit to what he owns and

if minds had a window where thoughts would shine through, the whole world would see how much we have to

We look at each other and it’s so messed up, not concerned about personality but how we’re dressed up,

wondering if we could be accepted by others who don’t care feeling hurt by a stranger with nothing but a blank

stare but inside lies a beauty, like a gem that’s rare
And you can’t tell with just a look and it’s not really fair, experiences and struggles hidden behind our skin, if only

if it was ethereal and paper thin
Take a look at me now and what do you see? My skin, hair color, or thoughts that were given stereotypically but if

that’s what you see then my words were in vain, because we’re much deeper than the eyes could see plain, so

before you judge and jump to conclusions, consider what you see on the surface is an illusion

This poem makes me...
  • Think (18%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (15%)
  • Inspired (59%)
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