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by Cloë Parks

To write is to create your mark
Your personal signature
Your words, your voice, your ideas, your thoughts
It’s something deep inside your soul
Something no one can take away
Even if it’s the smallest, tiniest opinion, it belongs to you
It’s the light that refuses to be extinguished
Even with all of the whispers of the world trying to blow it out, it remains
It may dart here and there in the midst of the wind’s pressure, but you know it will never die
To write is to put down your emotions on paper
To express joy, love, frustration, longing, and even anger,
words will never fail
Even if your dreams are crushed, your heart is shattered, your shoulders are broken with the weight of the world
You’ll still have your words

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (13%)
  • Somber (7%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (46%)
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