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You Are A Stranger

You Are A Stranger

by Chelsea Randle


I see my neighbor walk

I see my neighbor talk

To other expect ME

Why not?

Is it cause I’m a stranger?

I really do not know but I’m going to find out





I walk up to her

“ H E L L O neighbor”

Why not me W H Y aren’t you talking to me, you talk to everyone else

She replied

“ you are a stranger “

I was totallyinshock

I took onetwothreefourfivesix steps

And T U R N E D A R O U N D

And ask

“would you like to come play with me?”


This poem makes me...
  • Think (24%)
  • Smile (43%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (10%)
  • Feel a Connection (10%)
  • Inspired (14%)
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