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You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know

by Ayionna Wilson

You don’t

know how much you really

love someone until they’re gone

if someone you love very much

leaves you, you won’t know

how much of an impact it has

made on your life

While they are here with you

you’ll talk laugh giggle together, but then

when they leave some part of your life feeling

very lonely and empty the way that we live can tell a person

who and what we really are inside

We have to realize how long we

have with the person that we love

the most , so cherish the time you have with

the people that you love the most until there time is up

many people cannot love

But when it’s not up to them to love and let go

then your hurt and sad

care for yourself, you get love from

another person because you have a

great education

You have to think about how

you can make your life a better place

For yourself to live in

you don’t know how much you

love someone until they’re gone

This poem makes me...
  • Think (51%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (29%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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