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Your Best Friend Lives Under the Table

Sometimes your best friend is the one that hides under the table
Making your life that much better,
She always has a little label
Her eyes, green and brown, are trying to tell you something, like a written letter
The meaning is unknown, because the language is in your head
But you always know, that your dog is your best friend
You see, she is always in the mood of making you feel better before bed
You feel so much better when talking to her, like the end of a spent
Day, walking in the early morning sun, the city just waking up from crazy nights
The people walking their best friends next to them, and feel the cold air
But, your best friend always makes you feel bright
Feeling calm around her, like a still wooden chair
Hear the patter of your friend running a long side you
Through the side-walks of life, especially when you’re feeling blue

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  • Feel a Connection (33%)
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