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Your My Remedy, But Poetry Is My Savior

You’re My Remedy, But Poetry Is My Savior
By:Nina Triplett

To me poetry is my escape to freedom when I have become a slave to reality,
When I have fallen into a trap of cruelty

Poetry is my world that I can fall back into,
Where I take control of what happens in that life

Poetry helps me release the dark feelings I possess,
Trapped inside like caged animals waiting to be set free,

I release them to a paper in which only I can see,
In which only I can relate,

Poetry is the glowing light I follow as I feel my way through a dark alley,
As I feel my way through echoing voices screaming at me,

Poetry helps me outrun the footsteps that follow,
“thump, thump, thump”
But sooner or later they always catch up,

I don’t trip and fall and surrender myself,
Just yet,
I keep running,

Poetry helps me through that dark alley,
In time to see the first glimpse of sunlight at dawn,
Until the last glimpse of sunlight at dusk,

But after the sun has left and all you can see is pitch black,
The dark feelings I once possessed,
Creep out of where they tried to hide,
Where they tried to keep quiet,
Comeback to haunt me,
Once again

This poem makes me...
  • Think (20%)
  • Smile (10%)
  • Somber (10%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (35%)
  • Inspired (20%)
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