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By Cesar Cowo



My place I feel at home has mostly Chicanos, blacks, and rarely white’s

The people who always have your back

Drugs, gangs, corrupt people, violence, poor people is what people imagine

Hear the name south side,the ghetto is my home

But things aren’t what they seem we have nice jobs,and good people

Yes we have some drugs gangs and poor people

But we have family no one knows what the true meaning of family but us

Yes we don’t have the best education but we know how to be independent

Just because we come from broken houses doesn’t mean we aren’t caring

We take care of each other as if they were our own flesh and blood

The south side is filled with the most caring people you can meet

We understand life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows that’s why we don’t abandon each other

That’s the reason why my home is the south side filled with people

PeopleĀ I can rely on

The ones who had my backs since day one

I wouldn’t trade my home
Because the ghetto is where my family is

This poem makes me...
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