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One Day

One Day

By: Daizy Salas



One day there will be no more.
I’m gunna cry a lot it’ll hurt my core.

One day I’m not gunna see you.
we wont’t be ale to hang out or chill, I’ll be lost and feel ill.

One day I will forget the day we met.

One day we will be strangers and when I see you
with new people it’ll fill me with anger.

One day I read a story.
A story about a boy that moved to Oklahoma City originally from Shawnee.

One day he said, he went to the park when he was sad.
His soul was as dark as the night that night.

One day he thanked god he moved to Oklahoma City because he found himself here.

One day you will move off the city
Just like him you’ll forget all the people that kept you company and I’ll feel pity.

One day you will probably have the same story as Bryan
The difference is I will keep you in my memory for as long as I can.

This poem makes me...
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