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The Sad Clouds

EPSON MFP imageThe Sad Clouds

by Erick Sandoval

In Chicago, there was a cloud.
The sun didn’t come up.
It looked like it was going to rain.
It meant the clouds were going to cry.

It started raining there.
I knew it was a sad day.
I went to visit my family so it could make me happy.
It was a really cold day.

When I got there, my cousin was playing,
But his parents were mad.
The only heater that they had was destroyed,
Was by the rain.
It was cold in their house.

So my parents invited them to my place.
It was really hot in our house.
They said, “Thank you for inviting us to your house.”
We ate some food and everyone was happy.

Even me.





This poem makes me...
  • Think (40%)
  • Smile (13%)
  • Somber (7%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (20%)
  • Inspired (13%)
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