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The Woods

The Woods
By: John Limjoco
Clementon, NJ

The woods…

to me that two syllable
phrase brings me
vivid memories of mirth…

Everyday, after
finishing piles of homework, as
big as a mountain,
I get on my red Trek bike to
cycle to the woods. Happiness
begins to take over all the stress
gained from studying as fast as bacteria develops
in warm environments as I
ride through Kingston Estates.
I pass by many house….
Some very colorful and bright like a lighthouse light
and others gray and dull as if it were a desolate cave. After
some time I reach a spot where
the narrow black road meets the coarse brown dirt
of the woods.
This area… the woods
obtains many of my
wonderful memories.
The peaceful woods
reminds me of my
happiest moments.

On a day as hot as Death Valley
I step foot on the woods. I am welcomed
by the sight of birds and the chlorophyll filled leaves.
I knew that now I can just relax and be one with nature.
I have found peace to reflect on my life.

moments where I
can just forget about
the bad things that

The clouds and sky were as dark as shadows
and all I felt was nothing but negative energy.
I sat down by a tree and buried my head into my arms
I heard my heart beating in a slow rhythm
as my head arose from my arms the sun’s rays shined down and
kissed the coarse brown dirt
and all there was were fluffy marshmallow clouds that
appeared to be floating in a vast blue sea.

and look at
my life and appreciate
what it is and what
it will be. These moments
where I can enjoy silence
and think about what the
future holds…

The woods…

to me that two syllable
phrase brings me
vivid memories of mirth.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (18%)
  • Smile (18%)
  • Somber (9%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (18%)
  • Inspired (27%)
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